5 Awesome Review Games Your Students Will Beg To Play Again

Just because you’ve taught something does NOT mean your students have learned it! Learning takes repetition, which can get B-O-R-I-N-G. But repetition can be fun.
Kids love it when we review using games.
It’s super easy to make your review time fun, engaging, and play-based with review games. Here are five fun and exciting review games that you can try in your classroom tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. They really are that simple!
Play Review Games Like Trashketball
There are lots of variations of this game. Give each person a sheet of paper and assign your students a number 1-4. Tell the class a word to write down. Call a number 1-4, and any student assigned that number will come up, show their answer, and take a shot if their answer is correct. Students get one point for each correct answer and get a bonus point if their shot goes in the hoop.

Play Hot Seat To Review
This game is a great way to review vocabulary. Place a chair in front of the whiteboard. One student will sit in the chair facing away from the board – the hot seat. Write a vocabulary word on the board behind the selected student where they cannot see the word. The student in the hot seat will call on two to three other kids to tell them hints about the vocabulary word. The child in the hot seat tries to guess the word. If they guess the word correctly, they stay in the hot seat. If not, the teacher picks another student to switch places.

Try Beach Ball Geography
You’ll need an inflatable globe for this game. Students will toss the globe around and catch it with both hands. They’ll pick the place closest to one of their thumbs to identify. They should name the continents, the ocean, or the country and share one or two facts about it before tossing the ball to another classmate.
This game can be used for other subjects as well using a light-colored beach ball. You’ll need to use a permanent marker to write review questions on the ball ahead of time. Then, instead of identifying the place closest to their thumbs, students will answer the question closest to one of their thumbs.
Create A Relay Race Review Game
This game is perfect for a beautiful day because it’s best to do this game outside. You’ll need two small containers and a stack of index cards. Write each review question onto two index cards and place one copy into each of the two containers.
Divide your class into two mixed-ability groups. Each group should sit in a line. Set the containers down an equal distance away from each group. One person from each group will race to the container, grab a card, and bring it back to their team to answer. If the answer is correct, the next student in line will run. If the answer is wrong, the teacher will tell them to try it again.
Continue the game until one team has answered all of their questions correctly.
Try Bingo Review Games
Bingo is a classic review game. It’s great for reviewing numbers, vocabulary words, sight words, math facts, and more. Every student will need a bingo card and some small counters, chips, or mini-erasers to cover the spaces with. Randomly read aloud one calling card at a time. The kids must find the word, number, synonym, etc., on their bingo card and cover it up if they see it. The first student to cover a complete row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) yells BINGO. Check their spaces. If they were all called and are correct, the student wins. If not, continue the game.

You can easily make bingo cards for just about any content area. Editable bingo games make it super easy. Type in your words and all of the bingo cards will populate!

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“Great product. I love that this can be used for ELA or math. Very versatile, can be used on one, small group or whole group.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I have personally used review games in my classroom to encourage students to study, provide additional practice with content, and look for any misunderstandings that might need to be corrected.
Remember, review games don’t have to require a lot of prep work! I hope these five review games will help you engage your kiddos when it’s time for your next round of classroom review.
Loving these fun classroom review activities? Check out this back-to-school Bingo game.

Happy reviewing!