Free Back to School Solve and Play Subtraction Bingo
Have you been teaching for more than a few days? Yes? Then, you’ve probably encountered a few kids who drag their feet when it comes to math. They’ve got the capability, but it’s just not something they get excited about doing. Sound familiar?

Games are a great way to get kids excited about learning.
In this post, I’m going to share one of my favorite games for motivating kids. Your students will practically race to finish their math problems.

Solve and Play Bingo
If you’ve never played Solve and Play Bingo sheets in your classroom, you’re missing out. The really cool thing about these sheets is the motivation is built in because students need to solve the problems correctly in order to play the game.

Once students solve the problems, you can either post the answer key on the board and have students correct their own work, or you can collect it and check it. Either way works.
Personally, I like to have students clear their desks and use colored pencils to correct their own work. With some groups, I pulled the class to the carpet and let them self-correct with colored pencils and clipboards to avoid the temptation to erase their work and change answers because I wanted to see where they were making errors in order to reteach them.
After the work is corrected, students cut the squares apart, mix them up, and glue them onto their Bingo sheets in a random order. Everyone has their Bingo sheet, and the game can begin. Fun stuff! The kids LOVE these.
Want More Ideas for Math?
If you’re looking for more engaging math activities, check out these blog posts.
- Area and Perimeter: Hands-On Lessons That Are Fun! – Learn how you can use building bricks and sticky notes to teach area and perimeter.
- Lines and Angles: A Hands-On Lesson Idea – Explore geometry vocabulary with candy and sticky notes.