Fun End Of The Year Activities
The school year is ending, which means it’s time to celebrate all the work and learning from the year. These end-of-the-year activities are the perfect way to do just that.

So, let’s dive in and explore some fun end-of-the-year activities your students will love!
Game Day
One exciting way to celebrate the end of the year is by hosting a game day. This can be a great way to promote teamwork while having lots of laughs. Plus, it can be a fun way to get in a little end-of-the-year review!
You can set up different stations with classic board games, create review games using your curriculum, or include some of both.
Tip: Many families are happy to send in a board game for the afternoon, and editable bingo templates make creating review games easy!

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“Great product. I love that this can be used for ELA or math. Very versatile, can be used on one, small group or whole group.”
-KMC ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Talent Show
A classroom talent show is another fun way to wrap up the school year. It’s a great way for students to showcase their unique skills and talents. Students can perform in groups or alone; anyone who doesn’t want to perform can introduce acts, take pictures, or make a program for the show.
Gratitude Wall
Have you ever seen a gratitude wall? Making one is a perfect end-of-the-year activity because it encourages your students to reflect on positive experiences they had throughout the year.
You’ll need to set up a bulletin board or dedicate a section of the wall. Then, provide colorful sticky notes and markers and encourage students to write something they’re grateful for, a memorable event, or a kind note for a classmate.

Once the gratitude wall is complete, take a group photo in front of it and share it with parents.
Year In Review Video
Another option for reflecting on the year is a year-in-review video. This can be a fun and creative way to highlight memorable moments like field trips and class projects from the year.
Take the opportunity to reflect on your students’ growth. Let them know that you’ve noticed their personal growth.
Popcorn Party
One of my favorite end-of-year activities is a popcorn party. It’s fun and easy. Pair the popcorn party with a movie or review games. Simply give each student one paper cup full of popcorn and another cup for water or juice. Then, relax and watch a movie or play review games like this fun popcorn party math game.
Book Swap
Another fun end-of-the-year activity is a classroom book swap. Encourage students to bring in a book they’ve read recently but want to trade. Don’t forget to get parental permission for kids to trade their books. Make it clear that the book won’t be returned. Also, pick up some extra book options from yard sales or thrift stores. That way, there’ll be plenty of choices, and everyone can participate.
Have everyone place their book on top of their desk. Then, bring the class to the rug. Kids can walk the room and pick a book as you call their names out loud.
After everyone is done, you can give students a chance to trade their book with one from your thrift store stash if you’d like, or you can include those in the original options. This activity promotes a love of reading. Plus, it ensures every student has at least one book to read over the summer break.
Memory Books
Memory books are another fun way to celebrate the end of the school year. Each student can customize their memory book to reflect their own experiences and memories from the year. Encourage them to include drawings and written reflections on their favorite moments, lessons, and activities.

Memory Books are a great option if your school doesn’t do yearbooks or if your school does yearbook signing and some students didn’t or couldn’t buy yearbooks. Students can get their memory books signed in place of a yearbook.

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“My kids really enjoyed creating and using their books. Thank you for taking the time to make them. I can’t wait to use them again next school year.”
– Claudine⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
End-of-the-Year Awards
End-of-the-Year Awards are a great way to recognize and celebrate each student’s growth. Create personalized awards to recognize each kid’s achievements, talents, and skills. Student awards create a positive and uplifting end to the year, especially when everyone is included.

Premade end-of-the-year awards make classroom awards quick and easy. You won’t have to spend time thinking of superlatives to include everyone or waste time making certificates. Instead, simply type in the names and dates. Then, print.

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– Charve ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Classroom Cleanup Day
There is one final end-of-the-year task that has to be done: cleaning. Most elementary students love to help with packing up the classroom. A classroom cleanup day is a perfect opportunity for students to work together to tidy the classroom.
Teachers can assign specific tasks to each student or group of students. For example, some students can use baby wipes to wipe down desks. Others can organize supplies or sweep the floor.
Alternatively, you can post a list of tasks on the board and have students self-select jobs to work on.

By the end of the day, the classroom will be tidy, students will feel proud of their hard work, and you will have less work to do after the school year ends.
As the school year draws to a close, it’s important to recognize and celebrate your student’s hard work and achievements. So, go ahead and plan some exciting end-of-the-year activities, take lots of photos, and celebrate the end of an incredible school year with your students!