Ideas for Moving Beyond Spelling Kill and Drill Boredom

These spelling ideas are so much fun!
If you’re looking for some hands-on ways to practice spelling or just want to bring some fun to your spelling time, I have a bunch of ideas for you! My kids love moving beyond paper and pencil tasks. They really engage in learning when it’s combined with play. So, I’ve been gathering some ideas for spelling and plan to spice up our spelling time.
There are two types of words that I want my kids to be able to spell. The first type is words that are phonetically decodable, given the phonics rules that they’ve been taught. The second type is words that are either not phonetically decodable or that require phonics knowledge beyond what my kids have been taught. Both types of words are important, but since they require different types of skills, I am breaking up the activities into two categories: phonetically decodable words and sight words.

Spelling Phonetically Decodable Words
Right now, we’re working on breaking words into syllables and then segmenting each syllable to spell the words. These are activities that work well with teaching kids to stretch out words and apply the phonics rules they know. Since decoding the words is the goal here, you’ll need to say the words out loud. Small group instruction works well.
- Tap Lights– Hope King shared the awesome idea of having kids turn on a tap light for each phoneme as they segment words. You can read her post here.
- Manipulatives – Adding interesting manipulatives makes segmenting words so much more fun. It’s also a great way to make it multi-sensory. We love using seasonal mini-erasers or pom-pom balls. We line them up in a row and then pull one down for each phoneme.
- Move the writing off of paper– An easy way to add some fun to spelling is moving the writing off of paper. Try having kids write their words in pudding on a paper plate, in shaving cream, or in salt.
- Skip the writing altogether – Kids can “write” their words without actually writing. Try letting them build their words with letter beads on a pipe cleaner, stamp them in kinetic sand, use letter stickers, or build them with an iPad app.
Practice Spelling High-Frequency Sight Words
Some high-frequency words just aren’t spelled how kids would expect them to be. Either they aren’t decodable, or they use advanced phonics patterns. Either way, these are words kids often just have to memorize. Since these words are tricky, it’s best to only work on a few sight words at a time.

- Make it Sensory– Try making your own textured cards with a little glue and salt. Kids can trace the letters as they spell the words.
- Build The Words – Have your kids build the words in lots of ways. Pipe cleaners, beads, and stamping in kinetic sand (or on paper) are all low-mess options.
- Paint – Try painting the words. Did you know you can “paint” with water on construction paper or a chalkboard? It disappears as it dries, and then you can start over again. Fun!
- Make it Self-checking – Have kids copy the words with a white crayon. Then, have the kids write it in another color. Let them use watercolors to paint over the white crayon and reveal whether they spelled it right.
- Use Technology – Kids love technology. It’s a great way to get kids to practice concepts and build mastery. There are a ton of iPad apps for sight words. Spelling City is another great option, and it can be used for free on a computer.
Hopefully, these ideas will help you find some ways to spice up your spelling instruction.
Want Printable Spelling Resources?
These are my go-to, favorite spelling resources. They’re editable and super easy to use. Click the links to check them out!