This is a growing collection of videos to help you get the most out of the editable PDF files that I create. Please look for the question that you have and watch the related tech support video.

How do I print only the specific pages I want to use?
STEP 1 – Click on the “pages” icon at the top of the left-hand side in Adobe. If you can’t see the icon, click on the small triangle to open this section. (This is also the easiest way to find specific pages.)
STEP 2 – Select the pages that you want. On a Mac, hold down the command button on your keyboard while clicking on the pages. On a PC, hold the control button while clicking on the pages.
STEP 3 – Print the selected pages.
Please watch the tech support video below for a step-by-step explanation.
Why is the font so small? Why does the font not look like it did in the pictures?
This happens when the file opens in preview mode or with an incompatible PDF reader. To avoid this problem, open the file on a computer (not a phone or tablet) in Adobe Reader using the steps below.
1. Download the file to your computer.
2. Locate the file where you saved it.
3. Right-click on the file and open it with Adobe Reader.
The tech support video below will walk you through what to do if you are encountering this issue.
Why am I being asked for a password?
The auto-populating feature of this file uses form fields. You do NOT need to enter editing mode to add your text. Do NOT click on “Edit.” Simply scroll down to the page where you are asked to “type here” and input your information. Everything will auto-populate from there.
Watch the tech support video below for additional help.
Where can I find the editable PDFs from the videos?
You can find all of my editable PDF products here. You can find more tech support here.