The 7 Continents Song for Kids
Have fun and learn something new with this catchy tune! The 7 continents song will help your students memorize all of Earth’s continents – North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia…and that icy continent at the south pole: Antarctica!

So, put on your learning cap, and let’s explore the world with this catchy tune!
The 7 Continents Song
First, grab the free poster, and then let’s talk about some more ways to introduce your students to the 7 continents.

Download a FREE copy of the 7 continents song lyrics and get directions for a free craft too!
Pop in your email address and grade level below, and I’ll send the printables straight to your inbox. (Many districts block attachments, so it’s best to use your personal email.)
What are some 7 continents books to go along with the song?
Get ready to explore the world with your class! Have a special story time and get cozy while singing the 7 continents song. Make a 7 continents mini-book that showcases each continent.

Then choose from one of these captivating picture books. You can focus on one continent at a time or explore all seven at once. Either way, your kiddos will get an in-depth look into our fascinating planet. (Note: This blog post contains affiliate links.)
What are some activities to go along with the song?
Exploring the 7 continents of our world can be much more than just a boring textbook lesson! Create a mini-book. Make a craft. Try some fun activities. There are plenty of exciting ways for all of your kiddos to learn about our incredible world.

❤️ Create a cut-and-paste booklet about the continents.
🧡 Make a 7 continents necklace with this FREE activity.
💛 Draw outlines of each continent on large sheets of paper. Then, have the kids draw major physical features (mountains, rivers, deserts, etc.).
💚 Print pictures of animals, geographical features, and famous landmarks from each continent. Work as a class to sort the pictures onto the continents where they’d be found.
💙 Have students research some of the countries on each continent and create flags for them.
Learning about the continents can be an adventure! Make it fun.
Music is a powerful way to help your students learn and memorize new information! And it’s fun, too. I hope your students enjoy exploring the world with the 7 continents song, stories, and activities from this post!
If you give them a try in the classroom, tell me how it went – I’d be delighted to hear all about their experience. Thanks for reading, and have fun singing along with your class!
Don’t forget to grab a FREE printable copy of the song lyrics and continents craft activity below.

Don’t forget to grab your free copy of the song lyrics. Simply enter your personal email below, and I’ll send the lyrics straight to your inbox.

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“Well done! This is a great resource that my students have enjoyed learning about the world and spotlighting each continent. Cutting, coloring, writing…all good learning. Well done!”
-Barbara ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Looking for more geography activities?
Be sure to check out my other resources page for more fun activities that will help your students learn about geography, like this free 7 continents necklace craft or these hands-on landform activities.
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