The Constitution Of The United States Freebie
The Constitution of the United States is an important document. But, it can be hard for students to understand.
That’s why I’m sharing a fun freebie – a Constitution word search! Plus, at the end of the post, I’ll share some of my favorite resources for helping students understand what the Constitution of the United States is and why it’s important.

This Constitution word search is an easy way to introduce your students to some of the vocabulary words they’ll need to know. And the best part is, it’s free!
Free word search for the Constitution of the United States
This free Constitution word search is a fun way to introduce or review key vocabulary words. Use it for morning work, seat work, homework, or a filler activity.

Simply print out the puzzle and provide students with a pencil or crayon. Once the students have completed the puzzle, you can discuss the vocabulary words they found. You could also have them work in groups to define the terms.
Download the FREE Constitution word search.
Want a free copy to use in your classroom? Enter your email address and grade level below. I’ll send the word search and answer key straight to your inbox. (Tip: Many districts block outside attachments, so it’s best to use your personal email.)
As your students search for words, you can share some fun facts about the Constitution of the United States. Here are a few of my favorites:
- The Constitution of the United States was written in 1788.
- September 17th is Constitution Day.
- You can see the original Constitution at the National Archives in Washington, DC.
- The Constitution can be changed. It currently has 27 amendments.

Alternatively, you could introduce vocabulary words with posters and word wall cards. Explaining, practicing, and reviewing key vocabulary words is super important with a topic, like the Constitution, that can be abstract and complex for little learners. Visual cues like a word wall can support your students throughout the unit.
Looking for more engaging activities to teach your students about the Constitution of the United States?
Ben’s Guide is a website that offers fun, age-appropriate resources to teach kids about the federal government, including the branches of government, symbols, historical documents, and more. Ben’s Guide also includes several online games.
PBS has several Civics 101 videos covering topics like the separation of powers and how a bill becomes a law.

Of course, my favorite activities for teaching students about the Constitution are the activities. That’s because they’re factual, kid-friendly, and simplify things so my students could understand the Constitution. Plus, they’re easy to use and engaging.

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“A lot of work went into creating this product, and it is absolutely fantastic. It covers all aspects of the Constitution in kid-friendly verbiage.”
-Ashley ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
With this free word search and the resources listed above, you’ll be well on the way to helping your students understand the Constitution of the United States.
Don’t forget to grab the FREE Constitution word search.
Don’t forget to grab your free Constitution word search. Simply enter your personal email below, and I’ll send it straight to your inbox.
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